Mount Austin High School

Respect Responsibility Commitment

Telephone02 6925 2801

Careers Education

Students in Year 10 participate in Careers Education classes, providing them with important skills to assist them in entering the workforce and information about studying for the HSC in the Senior College as well as going to TAFE, University and other post school options. Visit the Mount Austin Careers intranet site for more infomation.

Careers advice

Our school careers adviser can help students to make educational choices, define a career direction and to select and prepare for future study and training. Australia's national careers information service myfuture and the Careers NSW website also offer help in clarifying course choices, employment opportunities, career pathways or training options.

See also the Department of Education's K-12 Careers Learning Framework for more information about Careers Education in NSW government schools.

It's a good idea for your child to start thinking about careers that suit their interests and abilities as early as possible.

Future study and training options

For students considering continuing with study, these links can help them make an informed decision:

Going to careers markets and open days are also good ways to find out what's on offer.

Job searching

These websites list job vacancies and apprenticeship and traineeships opportunities:

Related information