The Mount Austin Clontarf Academy commenced operation in 2014. The Academy caters for students from Years 7 to 12.
In the relatively short time the Academy has been operational the students have embraced the program with vigour, engaging its members through a diverse range of activities which build leadership, self-esteem and overall well-being.
The Clontarf Academy uses sport as a vehicle to improve the educational outcomes of Aboriginal boys. As a member of the academy, students are involved in a diverse range of in-school and extra-curricular activities. The focus areas of these activities are education, leadership and life skills, employment, healthy lifestyles and football. Clontarf can build self-esteem and positive attitudes towards health, education and employment. All Clontarf boys are exposed to a wide range of life experiences which challenge and develop their aspirations. All Aboriginal boys are welcomed in a safe and supportive environment which allows them to develop their confidence and improve their educational outcomes.
Clontarf Academy members are given opportunities to develop and refine the skills required for employment, training and further study.
Clontarf Foundation - what we do
Partner with schools
We engage students by using the existing passion that Aboriginal boys have for football to attract them to school and keep them attending.We create ‘Football Academies’ within each school that we partner with. The school provides the academic education program and Clontarf provides the mechanism to engage the boys into the school environment. A diverse range of in-school and extra-curricular Academy activities are planned within the focus areas of education, leadership and life skills, employment, healthy lifestyles and football.
Staff academies appropriately
Full time, locally-based Clontarf staff in every Academy mentor and counsel students on a range of behavioural and lifestyle issues while the school caters for their educational needs. We staff our Academies at a ratio of one staff member to every 25 students. This is a relationship based program. The strong bond and mutual respect between the students and Academy staff are pivotal to the achievement of outcomes for the students. Our people act like family and stay in the lives of our participants.
Develop positive attitudes
Our programs enable the development of self-esteem and positive attitudes towards health, education and employment. We expose participants to a wide range of life experiences which challenge and develop their aspirations. We use sport and other experiential learning to engage the students in an environment that is welcoming, safe and supportive allowing the development of confidence and improved educational performance.
Assist with employment and provide on-going support
We find employment, training and study options for our graduates. We assist in all aspects of preparing for work and support students through the transition from school to work. Our Academy and Employment staff work with employers to develop the necessary mentoring and support particularly during each graduate’s first year at work.